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Dreamskin Moisture Balance Technology

DreamSkin Health garments are available on prescription from the NHS
Ease the suffering of eczema with DreamSkin Health Garments
DreamSkin Health garments help you regain natural sleep function

IFT's Dreamskin polymer, which was originally developed for contact lenses, forms a moisture regulating hydrogel on the surfaces of each fiber.

The dermal cells which control moisture production in the skin are the sebaceous glands, but it is actually the control system (the feedback system comprising the nerves which run into the basal layer of the dermis, the sebaceous glands and blood capillaries) which are Dreamskin polymer stimulates, allowing the skin to repair itself.

Hence the body produces more moisture when and where needed, well moisturized skin has good elasticity and is well nourished.  Dryness and itchiness are reduced.

How DreamSkin work?

DreamSkin® Health garments use a unique polymer that protects and moisturizes skin continuously. Whilst acting as a second skin to your own, DreamSkin® technology is perfect for soothing dry and troubled skin.

Aside from the luxurious softness and lustrous sheen, there are several benefits of silk that other fabrics, whether natural or man-made, simply cannot match when producing garments for sufferers of skin conditions.

DreamSkin® Health garments have been tested with groups of volunteers, and are currently undergoing further clinical trials with patients suffering from eczema and dermatitis.

The DreamSkin polymer difference

DreamSkin® Health garments are manufactured from the highest quality silk fibre and then finished with the unique DreamSkin® polymer which provides the benefits to eczema and dermatitis sufferers.

The DreamSkin® molecule is applied to textiles by nano-sphere dispersion. Our technology creates a firm bond between fibres and chemical at a nano level. During the drying process the molecules reorders into a lamella structure, which is similar in structure to the polar group of phospholipids in the human cell membrane.

The multi-layer lamella structure formed with these polymers is both hydrophobic and hydrophilic. The hydrophobic element provides an external barrier effect against irritants (effectively displacing other molecules from either attaching to the fabric or from dispersing through fabric during use) and the hydrophilic provides a moisture retaining and enhancing property.

DreamSkin® garments also contain a class-leading zinc-based antibacterial which provides excellent control of typical skin-colonizing bacteria within the garment, which ensures microbial cleanliness at all times.

Perfect for dry and troubled skin

DreamSkin® Health garments are a unique new range of premium silk clothing available to sufferers of eczema, dermatitis and dry skin. Treated with the DreamSkin® polymer, these garments help to relieve itching and improve hydration of dry and damaged skin.

We aim to provide you with information about our products, and support to help you manage your skin conditions. Please check back regularly for site updates.

Dreamskin is a patented skin softening technology used in the treatment of eczema by the NHS

Dreamskin provides assistance to moisture and temperature control of the skin
Skin stays softer for longer
Clothes remain comfortable to wear for longer

Dreamskin treated garments protect the wearer from external irritants
Dramatically improved soil-release function provides protection from skin irritants found in detergents.

Perfect for lingerie, shape wear, active wear, and school wear


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