Mospelar - IFT

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Mospelar, Mogo, and Arnywear

A unique, patented, biting insect repellent technology

Totally natural - Proven Efficacy
No ineffective citronella extracts full of allergens
No DEET to damage man-made fabrics and sensitive skin

Proven as effective as DEET in laboratory and field testing by the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Field tested in Africa, India, South America, Australia, New Zealand and even against Scottish Midges!

Safe for all skin types including babies and sensitive skin
No sticky sprays or creams

Add MoGo to your wash - add 24 hour protection

MoGo is a new, highly effective way to protect you and your family against biting
insects. It utilizes the patented Arnywear active ingredient, combined with a high quality
fabric conditioner base, to produce the world's only insect-repelling washing additive.

When you add it to your wash thousands of microcapsules of natural Lemon Eucalyptus extract
are released that then attach themselves to the fibres of the clothes creating a ‘no-bite-zone’.
When the clothing is worn, body heat and movement activate these capsules, providing protection
for the wearer for at least 24 hours.

Long lasting protection

All Arnywear product ranges including the Arnywear ‘Active’ and Arnywear ‘Relax' are made from technologically advanced fabrics that contain a unique, powerful and totally natural insect repelling agent which is genuinely safe even for your children.

The iFabric technology used in all Arnywear branded products has been clinically tested and proven by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to provide continuous protection against mosquitoes, midges, horse flies, ticks and over 3000 other varieties of unwelcome biting insects.

The perfect travel companion - at home and abroad


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